Tuesday, December 6, 2011

one sided assholes

being the family blacksheep really blows. And people are so closed minded and politicaly correct all the time. However, they are like this all the time.... only with me. Because I am the family fuck up, Because im the fuck up everyone knows but does'nt like. Its because im too outspoken, I have opinions. People really harsh my mellow because ther is no pleasing everyone, ever. So, I decided a while back that I was just gonna say fuck everyone else, im gonna live for me only, that way there's less dissapointment. In this I came to the conclusion that most people are total dicks, including me. People only want a kiss ass yes man to brown nose and tell them what they wanna hear....EVEN when they ask for an honest opinion. They want you to conform to their worldview only and if you disagree, then YOU are the one thats wrong. Im Atheist, Im pro choice and for these things, I am a fucking pariah, People are selfish ass hats.

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